Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Side Note

I have received a few questions on my hiatus from my blog.  I will take the time now to answer some of them.  Feel free to ask me any other questions and I will address them in future posts:

What do you drink throughout the day?
·         I typically only drink water and A Lot of it.  I keep a 1L water bottle at my desk and fill it approximately 3 times a day.  I rarely drink soda or juice.  I do not like juice nor have I ever really liked it.  I do not like the feeling from the sugar on my teeth.  If you love orange juice there is nothing wrong with having a glass of it a day, just find a way to balance and reduce 100 calories from something else.  I like to eat my calories typically not drink them.  I also do not love soda so I have I only so often.  I also went through a phase where I really liked crystal light lemonade – it’s a great way to take in a lot of water if you don’t like to drink water, but you don’t want the calories of juice or soda.  I do drink coffee maybe 3 -5 times a week.  There is conflicting on the health effects of this, but my 2 cents on it would be 1 cup a day shouldn’t be anything to worry about.
What is the point of 2 crackers before your run?
·         There really is no point; it’s pretty much mental for me.   I feel like I have put something (energy) in my stomach and then I feel like I have the ability to run.
Are there other things I can do outside the gym or running?
·         Walk.  Whether you walk a mile or run a mile you burn the same amount of calories, so if you can’t run, walk a few miles.  Performing any aerobic activity more than 20 minute will get you into the fat burning zone.  It takes your body that long to use up the carbohydrate energy reserves it stores before it starts to burn fat.  If you have a dog find one time during the day you can take them for a longer walk – it’s a great distraction from walking by yourself if you prefer walking outside to a treadmill.
·          I do get in a bit of walking a day.  I suggest to anyone that can – get out on your lunch break and take at a minimum a walk around the block.  I think it’s an important way to break in your day, get some fresh air and circulation.  I also like it to clear my head.   This is also a way to trick your body into getting in some movement.  I also make a point to get up about once an hour if nothing else but to just stretch. Sitting sedentary at a desk all day is good for no one.  I understand this might not be meeting etiquette, but don’t bust it out in a meeting, do it on your own to sneak in a little break for yourself.

I am always open to questions, please keep them coming and if I don’t know the answer I will do my best to get you the best one out there.

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