Tuesday, September 4, 2012

GoodBye Summer, Hello Fitgirl Inspirations...

Now that Labor Day has come and gone, and the summer swimsuit season is technically over (if you live north of the Mason- Dixon Line), begs the question: what will keep you motivated to stay in shape through to Memorial Day next year?

Below are my top suggestions for staying motivated to keep in shape:

-      -  Find your favorite picture of yourself, where you feel your most beautiful and sassy, put it somewhere like your fridge or bathroom that you will look at regularly for a constant reminder of that feeling.  Visual stimulants are a great way to trigger your memory of feeling good and when you feel good about yourself and your body you are less likely to overindulge in an unhealthy manner:

-     -  Create a fitness goal: sign up for a springtime race, have a weight lifting goal by February / another arbitrary date, or sign up for a new sports team, whatever suits your fancy.  Your goal should be a personal accomplishment that you strive towards. The best way to stay on track for your goal and keep yourself accountable is also to track your progress.

-          - When you get bored create your own quick circuit workout plan you can do while watching TV.  It can be something you do just one time or repeat 3 – 5 doesn’t matter as long as if gets you moving and up off the couch. The quick adrenaline burst can help keep you going and not deviating from your work out plans, especially on the days you wanna start to slump. 

-     - Find a partner in crime.  You can rely on the other person for motivation as well as to chat about food, working out and other ideas you might want to bounce off each other.  You can encourage and push each other and bitch about something the other person can relate to.

-    -   Create a schedule. Work into your schedule when you want to eat what, when you are going to work out, and your social life to help maintain balance.  It’s great to make the schedule, but following it is even more important and will help you build a foundation.  Another benefit is that it can help keep unhealthy habits from sneaking up on you. 

And most importantly find and follow your own inspiration….